Totally Gay For Slayer

[NOTE: I’m resurrecting old posts from my MySpace account. Remember when both MySpace and Kimmel were cool?]

Tonight, Jimmy Kimmel. Next week, Oprah? Almost eligible for Rock and Roll Hall of Fame induction, Slayer made their broadcast network TV debut Friday [January 19, 2007] in the windswept parking lot behind the Hollywood Boulevard studio that houses Kimmel’s show.

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Rolling Stones: Exile on Main St. – Extreme Trivia Edition

I’ve officially hit rock-bottom trying to find something new to write about the Rolling Stones. While perusing the collage on the back cover of Exile on Main St for only the millionth time, I wondered about the photo of the newspaper headline that appears to read: “Father of Five Aids Rescuer.”

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Down and out with the Beatles in Liverpool

Who was the “Fifth Beatle” — George Martin? Billy Preston? Neil Aspinall? I would posit, a little poetically, that the Fifth Beatle is Liverpool herself. As Mecca is for Muslims, so is Liverpool an obligatory pilgrimage for discerning music fans.

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Artimus Pyle’s Lynyrd Skynyrd Memoir

JANUARY 2024 – Here’s a belated update on Artimus’ memoir. We will publish this book whatever it takes. It’s been almost 12 years since I first met with Artimus to discuss a collaboration, and seven years since we submitted the completed manuscript to the publisher for an October 2017 release date.

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Dean Goodman